Runaway Jury

This movie features a stellar cast led by the always dependable Dustin Hoffman as a lawyer trying to sue a gun manufacturer in New Orleans and convict them of responsibility in the wrongful death case of the victim’s widow. Gene Hackman is superbly nasty as the jury consultant hired by the gun maker to rig the jury and get a favourable verdict. John Cusack gives one of his best performances as a loose cannon jury member who gives Hackman fits because he cannot be “controlled”. Rachel Weiz also turns in an excellent performance as Cusack’s girlfriend working both sides from the outside for money. Based on the John Grisham page turner, the suspense builds up to a truly unexpected twist ending. Rarely have four actors meshed so well together in this spell binder. I wholeheartedly recommend this film. It’ll have you on the edge of your seat right up until the end.