Im not scared This is Italian director Gabriele Salvatores first international release since winning the best foreign film Oscar for “meditterraneo” in 1991 He might win something again with this one. This a great coming of age movie, and presents a great story of an adventurous kid having to deal with a lot more about reality than the most other kids his age. Michele (Giuseppe Cristiano), is a 10 year old boy living with his sister and parents in a small village in the outskirts of southern italy. He and his friends have a carefree lifestyle and live in the country. They bike and run around in the most breathtaking sceneray and play normal childrens games. At the end of the day he goes home to eat dinner with his family and arm wrestle his dad. One day Michele discovers a kid buried in a pit covered by a steel plate. Soon he discovers that the kid Filippo (Mattia Di Pierro) is alive and chained to prevent him from escaping. He also discovers some other terrible secrets about his family. This film is from ” Niccolò Ammaniti’s” best-selling novel about a 1978 kidnapping. You wont be disappointed.